Dear Fellow Lot Owners:

We would like to acknowledge that the Annual Meeting ended with a convergence of unfortunate circumstances that was contributed to by both lot owners and Board Members. In all honesty, the long-term ongoing legal litigation and continued accusations made against the Board, have resulted in unfavorable emotional reactions of certain Board Members. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and are committed to rectifying not only the circumstances of the Annual Meeting, but the overall relationship with those in the community in which there has been conflict while continuing to fulfill our duty to enforce the Governing Documents as advised by legal counsel to ensure continuity, architectural integrity, property values, and the promotion of the concept of “community.”

The following changes have occurred since the Annual Meeting:

  • A replacement Chairman will be named at the October 2021 meeting.
  • Any member at the Annual Meeting who did not get to be heard or ask questions is encouraged to reach out to the Association by contacting with any questions or concerns that still remain.
  • In order to conduct a more efficient meeting, we will provide a sign-up sheet for those members who wish to speak during the open meeting, and each member will be called upon in order.  Each member will be given three minutes.  All members will be given an opportunity to speak before members get to speak a second time. Members who do not sign up to speak will need to sign up the following meeting or speak with a Board Member after the meeting.
  • If an unmanageable disruption occurs and orders cannot be restored, we will adjourn the meeting and resume at a later time.

We would like to clarify the following topics that were discussed at the Annual Meeting:

  1. On 7/24/21, the CMFPD Special Service District approved the plan to take over dust mitigation throughout the County and will begin assessing each tax-paying lot a fee of $100.00 per year. You will see this line item on your 2022 tax bill this November. If you have any questions about SSD Dust Mitigation, please contact The Board is considering several options as to how to proceed with dues. The lot owners will receive an additional email shortly providing them the opportunity to provide input on each scenario being discussed.
  2. There will be an open Manager’s or Assistant Manager’s position open for next year. We will be sending out information on that in the near future.
  3. A brief synopsis of the ongoing litigation and the status of the appeal process will be posted to the website very soon.
  4. The election process went very smoothly and lot owners expressed their satisfaction with CAM conducting the ballot counting. Below are the results of the election for 2022-23.

Thank you,
SCPLOA Board of Directors