Hopefully, this will provide a little clarification for recent concerns. Last summer during a number of the monthly open board meetings we discussed dust abatement. Our SCPLOA members have paid for dust abatement(control) as part of our annual dues for at least the last 10 years. The current budget equates to approximately $74 per lot. This gets us two waterings and two applications of dust suppressant(all work performed in a 4-5 day period).


It was brought up that the CMFPD was looking into mandating all roads in all subdivisions have dust suppressant applied. In order to mandate this, the Kane County Special Services District would take control of all dust activities and apply an additional fee on every lot’s property tax statement.


The cost estimate received from KCSSD was more than what we pay and the product to be used was not specified. The Kane County Commission held a meeting on January 5, 2021. One of the topics to be discussed was: Resolution No. R-2020-31 Intent to Include Road Dust Mitigation as a Service of the Cedar Mountain Fire Protection District.


The SCPLOA Board officially submitted a letter(hopefully attached here correctly) with our concerns and disapproval of having the dust mitigation removed from our control.


Kane County Commissioner Wade Heaton has asked to be a part of our meeting Saturday to discuss the issue. He will be on the agenda and will chime in via Zoom.